Learn Fiqah Online

A Short Introduction to Islamic Fiqh: What is Fiqh?

Fiqh Meaning: Fiqh is an Arabic word that refers to the understanding of Islamic law or Islamic jurisprudence that governs the actions and behaviors of Muslims. It’s an essential aspect of Islam that helps Muslims understand the practical implications of their faith. It provides a framework for Muslims to make informed decisions about their daily lives and interactions with others. Fiqh is divided into several branches, including worship, transactions, family law, and criminal law.

An Introduction to the Learn Fiqh Online Course

Our Basic Learn Fiqh Online Course is delivered (by qualified scholars) for the Muslim community – globally!  covers an in-depth commentary on the worship. The branch of worship includes the five pillars of Islam, which are the foundational practices that every Muslim must follow. The first pillar is the declaration of faith, which involves affirming that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is His messenger. The second pillar is prayer; which Muslims perform five times a day. The third pillar is fasting during the month of Ramadan, while the fourth pillar is the pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca. The fifth pillar is charity, which involves giving to those in need.

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Importance of Fiqh

Faqih: In Arabic فقیه , Plural: Fuqaha فقهاء

The learning Fiqh (in its broader meaning) is one of the most honorable and best deeds. It is important for every Muslim, because of its importance and privilege in understanding the Islamic religion, it is clearly stated in the Qur’an and Sunnah. Fiqh is an integral part of Islam that guides Muslims on how to live a fulfilling and righteous life. It provides a comprehensive framework for worship, financial transactions, family law, and criminal law.

Benefits of Studying Fiqh

There are numerous benefits to studying Fiqh, both for individuals and for society as a whole. Here are just a few:

  1. Clarity: Studying Fiqh can provide Muslims with a clear understanding of their obligations and responsibilities. By learning about the rules and regulations that govern their daily lives, they can feel more confident in their actions and decisions.
  2. Guidance: Fiqh provides guidance on how to live a righteous and virtuous life. By following the principles of Fiqh, Muslims can strive to become better people, both in terms of their spiritual and worldly lives.
  3. Unity: Fiqh can also promote unity among Muslims. By studying and following the same principles and rules, Muslims can come together and feel a sense of solidarity and belonging.
  4. Justice: Fiqh provides a framework for justice and fairness. By establishing rules and guidelines for behavior, it ensures that everyone is treated fairly and justly, regardless of their social status, race, or gender.
  5. Protection: Fiqh can provide protection for individuals and society as a whole. By establishing rules and regulations for behavior, it can help prevent harmful actions and promote safety and well-being.


In this unique course, we will define Fiqh and cover the following topics:

  1. Introduction to Fiqh in Islam: This section covers the Fiqh definition, its history, and its significance in Islamic law.
  2. Taharah (Purity): This section will cover the principles of Taharah, including Wudu, Ghusl, and Tayammum. We will also discuss the importance of purity in Islamic worship and daily life.
  3. Salah (Prayer): In this section, we will focus on the principles and rules of Salah, including the times of prayer, the conditions for prayer, the types of prayer, and the essential components of prayer.
  4. Sawm (Fasting): This section will cover the principles of Sawm, including the types of fasting, the conditions for fasting, and the rules of fasting.
  5. Zakat (Charity): In this section, we will discuss the principles of Zakat, including its types, conditions, and recipients.
  6. Hajj (Pilgrimage): Finally, we will explore the principles and rules of Hajj, including its types, conditions, and rituals.

Throughout this Islamic Fiqh course, we will provide examples and practical applications of these principles to help you understand what does Fiqh mean and how it applies in daily life. By the end of this course, you will have gained a thorough understanding of the Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence and how they apply to various aspects of daily life. Let’s study Islamic jurisprudence. We hope you enjoy this course and find it beneficial in your journey of learning about the Fiqh of Islam.

The cost for enrolling in the Quran Reading with Tajweed course.

Each class will be of 30 minutes

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