How long does it take to learn Noorani Qaida?

The Noble Qur’an, as Muslims believe, is a revelation from God Almighty, and it serves as guidance and mercy for them. The Qur’an is not just a book, but a way of life that has been passed down from generation to generation. It is an essential part of the Islamic faith and, therefore, crucial for Muslims to learn it. However, many individuals, especially parents, may wonder how long it takes to learn the Qur’an, what is the appropriate age for children to start learning, and what tips can help make the learning process smoother. In this article, we will explore these questions and provide some helpful tips.
The Best Age to Teach the Quran to Children
Islam puts great emphasis on the proper education of children. Teaching children the Qur’an is a fundamental part of their upbringing, and it is believed that a child who grows up loving and worshipping God will be blessed and grow up with common sense. Parents, therefore, have a significant role to play in teaching their children about Islam and the Qur’an.
According to Islamic tradition, parents can start teaching their children about Islam and the Qur’an as early as the age of three. However, there is no suitable age that is appropriate for all children, as the mental ability of children varies from one to another, and the way they are taught also differs. Therefore, parents should pay close attention to their child’s development and mental capacity when deciding when to start teaching them about the Qur’an.
How Long Does It Take to Learn the Quran for Kids?
The time it takes to learn the Qur’an for kids varies depending on several factors, such as their age, their organization in learning, and the course that they take. On average, a child may need about a year and a half to learn the Qur’an from the ages of ten to thirteen. On the other hand, it may take an adult about a year to learn the Qur’an.
To help children learn the Qur’an, parents can choose the right course for them and the right teacher who is patient and can help them learn one step at a time. They can also encourage their children to teach the Qur’an and be an example to them. Moreover, it is essential to provide a calm and suitable environment for their education.
How Long Does It Take to Learn the Quran for Adults?
Like for children, the time it takes for adults to learn the Qur’an also varies depending on individual factors. However, less than a year is sufficient for a person to learn the Noble Qur’an. To achieve this, an adult should have a regular schedule, have the intention to learn for God’s sake, and participate in an online course to help them in this task.
How Long Does It Take to Learn One Chapter of the Quran?
The time it takes to learn one chapter of the Qur’an depends on several factors, such as the length of the chapter, the speed of the individual, and their level of concentration. For instance, if the chapter is neither too long nor too short, it can take a fast reader about 20 minutes to read, while it may take a slower reader up to 60 minutes.
Time It Takes to Completely Learn Noorani Qaida for Kids Online Course
Noorani Qaida is one of the best and most effective methods for learning the Qur’an for children and adults alike. It is ideal for beginners who want to learn Qur’anic Arabic and the sounds of each letter in a convenient way. The Noorani Qaida has 16 lessons and 31 pages.
It takes a kid between two and three days to one week to complete one page of the Qaida, depending on how smart they are. Note that a below-average kid may take more time. However, learning the Noble Qur’an ultimately depends on the speed of the person.